Avroair Aviator Geocoin
Avroair Aviator Geocoin
Avroair(Mark Clemens) gehört neben Moun10Bike, Chris Mackey und einigen anderen "alten Hasen" zu den ersten Coindesignern. Neben seinen personal Coins stammen auch viele Designs für Oakcoins/Geoswag und aus seiner Feder. Die Multi-Event-Coin Idee ist seine, genauso wie die Idee eines Geocoinfest Events, neben den normalen Events.
Dieser Beitrag ist nun den Personal Coins gewidmet, die von Avroair in 2014 entstanden sind. Avroair's Canterbury Tales !
Mit der Zeit kann dann hier unter diesem Beitrag auch die sukzessive Aufarbeitung der bisherigen personal Coins von Avroair erfolgen, mit denen er 2011 angefangen hat.
Pi Day 2015 Geocoin
Right on time before Pi Day 2015 the idea was born for a special Geocoin version. Avroair (Mark) came up with the idea and asked a few people what they thought about his idea. We were crazy about his idea right away and a little discussion about the look of the coin started. From the beginning it was fairly clear that the coin should be something special and somehow it developed to be a 2-piece coin shaped as a Pie. After the idea ahd been transfered into the artwork we choose plating and colour. To the 8 private event editions came the 2 shop editions from Cache Advance plus one edition for Groundspeak. I must say, when I finally could get a hand on the coins, the result is amazing and I think I can speak for all of us.