GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin

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Beschreibung/About the coin

Deutsch 3329.gif

The GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin is eine Personal Geocoin entworfen von geocachingdragon und gemünzt durch
Die Vorderseite der Coin zeigt einen Tribaldrachen, welches von einem Tribalmuster umgeben ist. Auf der Rückseite der Coin
befindet sich ein 3D Landschaftbild mit dem Tribaldrachen in einem Boot. Oben links im Bild steht der Name des Designer, oben
rechts das Jahr der Produktion.

English 3332.gif

The GeocachingDragon 2009 Geocoin is a personal coin designed by geocachingdragon and minted by
The front of the coin shows a tribaldragon which is surrounded by tribalsymbol's. The back shows a 3D landscape with
the tribaldragon sitting in a boat. On the upper left the name of the designer and on the upper right the year of
mintage is shown.

geocachingdragon quoted:

"This is my third personal coin and is probably my most personal coin.
I grew up on the west coast of Canada and always loved and admired Haida Art.
Now, there is no Dragon in Haida Mythology so I tried to remain true to the this style
and still produce something new and interesting.

The moons and crescents on the outside of the dragon is a doodle that I have done since
I was in school and is more my personal style than it is true to the style of art,
but liked the effect. The back picture is my artwork of a Raven in a black canoe.
The Raven is a very powerful and wonderful spirit from Haida Mythology.

I hope this coin will inspire people to look at this style of art as well as read the mythology of the Haida people. It is full of interesting and fun stories of working with animals and the environment, such as we do with Geocaching and CITO.
There is a saying by Chief Seattle said more than 150 years ago, but is still incredibly poignant today:
Teach your children what we have taught ours, that the earth is our mother.
Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it.
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.


  • Größe/Size: 50 mm x 50 mm
  • Dicke/Thickness: ca. 3 mm
  • Gewicht/Weight: 72 g
  • Präfix/Prefix: CP
  • Form/Shape: quadratisch / square
  • Prägung/Minting: 2D / 3D
  • Farbe/Filling: imitating hard enamel
  • Vorderseite/Front: 2D Tribaldrachen umgeben von Tribalmuster / 2D tribaldragon surrounded by tribal's
  • Rückseite/Back: 3D Panorama mit dem Drachen in einem Boot / 3D panorama with the dragon sitting in a boat
  • Besonderheit/Special feature: Trackingcode auf der Seite graviert / trackingcode engraved on the side of the coin
  • Idee/Idea: geocachingdragon
  • Registrierte Trackingcodes/Total trackingcodes record: 229
  • Groundspeak Icon-Nummer/Icon number: 3039
  • Trackbar/Trackable auf mit eigenem Icon/own unique icon 3039.gif und Mini-Icon/micro icon 3039k.gif


Icon Aufl. Bild Edition Metallfarbe Farbe Vorderseite Farbe Rückseite Designer Shop Veröffentlicht
3039.gif  ? GCDGC-AS.jpg - Antique Silver red / yellow
black / white
- geocachingdragon 2009
3039.gif  ? GCDGC-AB.jpg - Antique Bronze red / yellow
black / white
- geocachingdragon 2009


Geocaching Dragon, Drachen, Dragon, Personal Geocoin, geocachingdragon, GeocachingDragon, 2009, 2009 Geocoin,