Journey Geocoin

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Beschreibung/About the coin

Deutsch 3329.gif

English 3332.gif

With the big distractions all around, the true light is often the small one at the end of the tunnel. There is, of course, beauty in the tangled and complicated. The view along the path (as well as the path itself) is to be enjoyed while journeying to whatever that lighted destination may be. For the geocacher in all of us, we all occasionally want to go out with no other plans than to get as many finds as we can before day's end. But at the end of the day, what is it that makes us want to go out and cache again tomorrow?

There is the long travel, the hunt, the search and the guessing game. Normally a find, quick sign and then we do it all over again... we do it for the journey that brings us to the cache; for the anticipation of the find and discoveries along the way.

'Tis better to journey hopefully than to arrive... Sometimes the journey is the destination.

Auflagen/Minting numbers

3329k.gif Diese Daten stammen vom ehem. Website von Roger Kovacs und sind nur zur Info.
Die Gesamtzahl der genannten 11 Finishes ergeben insgesamt 736 Stück (laut Roger Kovacs gab es aber ingesamt 762 Geocoins).
Somit könnte es noch einen weiteren 12. Finish mit 26 Stück geben, einige Auflagenzahlen sind fehlerhaft,
oder einige der Trackingcodes sind ungenutzt geblieben.

3332k.gif The minting numbers are taken from the website of Roger Kovac and are for collectors' info.
The total presented numbers of the eleven editions were/are 736 (but, according Roger Kovacs the total coins number is 762).
Either a 12th edition with 26 pieces in not mentioned, some of the present numbers are incorrect, or some of the trackingcodes haven't been used.

Quelle der Auflagen/Source: gc-forum

225 - antique silver 160 - antique bronze 160 - antique copper
60 - polished 24k gold
with red enamel
55 - black Nickel
with dark purple
29 - Chrome
with dark green
26 - satin .925 silver
with red transparent enamel
17 - shiny .925 silver
with red transparent enamel TO
2 - black nickel
with glow-in-the-dark green AE
1 - Shiny Gold
with light green minting sample
1 - Shiny nickel
with red minting sample
  • 762 Total Journey Geocoins in either 11 or 12(?) finishes.


  • Größe/Size: Ø mm
  • Dicke/Thickness: mm
  • Gewicht/Weight: g
  • Präfix/Prefix:
  • Form/Shape:
  • Prägung/Minting: 2D
  • Farbe/Filling: transparent/translucent
  • Vorderseite/Front:
  • Rückseite/Back:
  • Besonderheit/Special feature: suncatcher
  • Idee/Idea: Roger Kovacs
  • Registrierte Trackingcodes/Total tracking codes: 816
  • Groundspeak Icon-Nummer/Icon number: 2567
  • Trackbar/Trackable auf mit eigenem Icon/own unique icon 2567.gif und Mini-Icon/micro icon 2567k.gif


Icon Bild Edition-Name Edition/Auflage Designer Veröffentlicht
Antique Silver with Blue 225 Roger Kovacs 2009
Antique Bronze with Red 160 Roger Kovacs 2009
Antique Copper with Green 160 Roger Kovacs 2009
Shiny 24K plated Gold with Red 60 Roger Kovacs 2009
Black Nickel with dark Purple 55 Roger Kovacs 2009
Chrome with dark Green 29 Roger Kovacs 2009
2567.gif Satin .925 silver with Red 26 Roger Kovacs 2009
Shiny .925 silver with Red - TO TO 17 Roger Kovacs 2009
Black Nickel with glow in the dark Green AE 2 Roger Kovacs 2009
Shiny Gold with light Green sample 1 Roger Kovacs 2009
2567.gif Shiny Silver with dark Red sample 1 Roger Kovacs 2009


scavok journey