CoinsAndPins Geocoin
Aus Geocoin-Wiki
Beschreibung/About the coin
This is a pin and a coin combined. The coin itself, has a pass through in the center for the pin stem.
The tracking number cannot be seen without a good bit of effort to remove the pin section (depending on which side of the coin the pin is on). Available in other metal colors. This is the black version is difficult to see the design.
- Größe/Size: Coin: Ø 38 mm - Pin: Ø 29 mm
- Dicke/Thickness: Coin: 2 mm - Pin: 1 mm
- Gewicht/Weight: 26 g (all togheter)
- Präfix/Prefix: PC
- Form/Shape: Circular
- Vorderseite/Front: Shows the ammo can in spce with coins spilling toward earth. It says "geocaching the night". The rim says "Seeking for coins in caches, making cons for caches".
- Rückseite/Back: Shows a cacher wearing night goggles and some dark enamel work.
- The attached pin: Shows the earth (with the commercial "G"), a plane containing a satellite and an ammo can. The rim says "Searching with precision equipment"
- Besonderheit/Specials: Pin mounted in the middle of the coin. Glow-in-the-dark.
- Registrierte Trackingcodes/Registered trackingcodes: 575
- Groundspeak Icon-Nummer/-number: 402
- Trackbar auf mit eigenem Icon und Mini-Icon / Trackable at with unique icon and micro icon
Editionen [1]
Icon | Auflage | Metall | Farben | Edition-Name | Edition | Design | Shop | Veröffentlicht |
-- | Black Nickel | Turquise, Green, Black, White, Yellow, Red | -- | RE | -- | CoinsAndPins | 2006 |
- ↑ The list of editions is not complete due to missing information
Geococing, Space, Satellite, Ammo can, Transport