DNA Geocoin

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Adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine: These are the four nucleotide (plain bases of DNA that in pairs called nucleotides) that make up DNA and carry the genetic code of life.
There are four of them, right?

Not so fast! There is a fifth base! We geocachers can proudly claim ownership of a fifth base known to science as “geocachine”. This DNA component is responsible for many traits necessary for successful geocaching.

If present, traits such as perseverance, puzzle solving, curiosity, obstinacy, and a predilection for technological devices are usually dominant. These may manifest as a desire to examine surroundings in minute detail (moving rocks and logs; lifting lampskirts; poking into hedgerows), a sudden urge to plunge through thickets and thorns without regard to personal comfort (or thought of searching for a nearby path), and a desire to surround oneself with GPS enabled devices at all times. In short, it can be said that geocaching is in our genes!

These beautiful Geocaching DNA geocoins feature elements related to genetic structures. One side presents a DNA double helix bordering the edge of the coin face. The other side of the coin states “Geocaching is in my Genes” above a DNA sequence of A, T, C, and G nucleotides. In the center of the sequence (circled in red), is the geocachine nucleotide present in the DNA of geocachers everywhere!


  • Größe: Ø 45 x 43 mm (1,75')
  • Dicke: 3 mm
  • Gewicht: 24 g
  • Präfix: GE
  • Form: 2D, Doppelhelix
  • Vorderseite: umlaufende Doppelhelix, Geocaching-G (bzw. das Groundspeak-Logo bei der Groundspeak-Edition)
  • Rückseite: Schriftzug "Geocaching Genes" und drei Zeilen Gensequenzen
  • Registrierte Trackingcodes: 2043
  • Groundspeak Icon-Nummer: 5707
  • Trackbar auf geocaching.com mit eigenem Icon 5707.gif und Mini-Icon 5707k.gif


Icon Aufl. Bild Metallfarbe Farbe Edition-Name Edition Designer Shop Veröffentlicht
5707.gif 500 DNA-Groundspeak.JPG Satin Gold Rot Groundspeak LE[1] Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012
5707.gif 475 DNA-Adenine.JPG Poliertes Gold Rot Adenine RE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012
5707.gif 282 DNA-Cytosine.jpg Kupfer Orange Cytosine RE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012
5707.gif 234 DNA-Guanine.JPG Antik Silber Lavendel Guanine RE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012
5707.gif 227 DNA-Thymine.JPG Poliertes Silber Flieder Thymine RE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012
5707.gif 60 DNA AG.jpg Antik Bronze Metall Antique Bronze LE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Dez. 2014
5707.gif 60 DNA AC.jpg Antik Kupfer Metall Antique Copper LE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Dez. 2014
5707.gif 60 DNA-Royal Blood.JPG Poliertes Gold Cyan Royal Blood LE Pale Horse Design Geocachingshop.nl 2013
5707.gif 60 DNA-Mutant SGold.JPG Satin Gold Dunkelrot Mutant Satin Gold LE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Dez. 2012
5707.gif 60 DNA-Mutant SSilver.JPG Satin Silber Blau Mutant Satin Silver LE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Dez. 2012
5707.gif 25 inprogress.jpg Black Nickel Umbra Geocachine XLE Pale Horse Design PHDCoins.ca Nov. 2012

  1. Hochspringen Obwohl diese Edition eigentlich als RE gezählt werden müsste, ist es ein LE (da keine Nachproduktion möglich)


DNA, DNS, DNA Geocoin, Gene, Geocachine, Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine, Royal Blood, Doppelhelix
