FTF Craze Comic
Eine Comic-Coin Reihe vom Geocoinclub GCC
GCC schreibt dazu: Introducing the FTF Craze Comic Book coin series. This is the cover and page one of what will be an 8 page (4 coin) comic book done in coin format. This coin combines the adventure of Geocaching with the fun style of Manga comics.
In volume 1, we find our hero stranded by the workday. Tied to a desk and just watching the clock slowly tick away those seconds. But then, just when all hope seems lost - a turn for the good! A Geocaching.com instant cache notification comes in and a grand adventure begins. This issue ends with our hero throwing caution to the wind and taking off mid-workday in hopes of being FTF on a new cache.
In volume 2, our hero throws caution to the wind - leaping from his desk and into action to go get that FTF! Rushing to the parking lot, he finds his GPS slower than he wants to get a lock (it's always slow when you're dying to get going!) and faces the challenges of navigating out of the urban jungle to the cache site! Will our hero make it?? Will he twart the annoyances that civilization thrusts upon him to satisfy his FTF Craze???
In volume 3, our hero rolls up to the general cache site and leaps from his vehicle to go find the cache. He's strapped for time so he does something we've all done - he bushwhacks in his good work clothes! Then... finally... he gets close. The FTF is his for the taking!! BUT WHAT'S THIS? FOUR CONTENDERS EMERGE! What will happen? Will our hero score the FTF? Will victory be snatched from his grasp at the last moment? Will his boss kill him for showing back up to work with muddy shoes? STAY TUNED!
The last of this storyline brings us to the climax of the story. Will our hero succeed in his quest in the face of such odds? 4 other seekers are also trying to be the FTF! It's a mad dash race to find the cache. We're only showing the first page of this edition - we wouldn't want to spoil the ending!! :)
Von der 1. Variante gibt es auch eine "Weekday" Edition mit nur einer Farbe, allerdings kam die bei den Sammlern nicht so gut an und deshalb blieb dies die einzige "farblose" Variante. The public has spoken - comic books are only really cool in color :) So there is no "weekday edition" of this volume.
Quelle: Geocoinstore
- 2d
- Gesamtauflage aller Coins laut Datenbank Groundspeak: 1.700 Stück
- trackbar bei geocaching.com mit eigenem Icon
Icon | Auflage | Bild | Metal | Edition | Veröffentlicht |
350 | antique silver | #1 weekday | 2008 | |
400 | black nickel | #1 | 2008 | |
350 | black nickel | #2 | 2008 | |
300 | black nickel | #3 | 2008 | |
300 | black nickel | #4 | 2008 |
Comic FTF Craze