Grenlandsmafiaen Geocoin

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Grenland is an area in Norway wich probably has the highest cache density compared to inhabitants. Grenland should therefore be taken into consideration when one desides what is the Geocaching capital in Norway. There are countless caches to seek, both in towns and the outback, so you should be able to find something for your taste. Having such a large mass of geocaches, there are a lot of geocachers in Grenland as well. Hence, we founded our own organisation called "Geocaching i Grenland" (Gecaching in Grenland) aka. Grenlandsmafiaen (The Grenland mafia).

Facts about Coin

  • Size: 1.5" Diameter
  • Thickness: 3mm
  • Front: The logo with the text "Grenlandsmafiaen" over and the year "2008" under, written on the metal edge.
  • Rear: a stylized map of the four Norwegian municipalities Siljan, Skien, Porsgrunn and Bamble which together is called "Grenland". On the metal edge around is the nicknames of those who were initiators to form Grenlandsmafiaen: Avigerus - Caveman - Team RKH - Reodor - Smort78 - FrodoTheDog - Thorminator - Sabeltann31
  • Iconcode at 1783
  • Total number of Coins: 310
  • Trackable at with own icon 1783.gif and mini icon 1783k.gif


Icon Picture Auflage Metallfarbe Farbe Edition-Name Edition Designer Shop Veröffentlicht
Grenlandsmafiaens geocoin 2008 Gull Front.jpg
85 Satin Gold Red Gull RE Smort78 HogWildStuff 2008
Grenlandsmafiaens geocoin 2008 Sort Front.jpg
85 Black nickel Red Svart nikkel RE Smort78 HogWildStuff 2008
Grenlandsmafiaens geocoin 2008 Kobber Front.jpg
70 Copper Red Kobber RE Smort78 HogWildStuff 2008
Grenlandsmafiaens geocoin 2008 Nikkel Front.jpg
50 Nickel Red Nikkel LE Smort78 HogWildStuff 2008
Grenlandsmafiaens geocoin 2008 KobberGlitter Front.jpg
20 Polished copper Red with glitter Kobber glitter AE Smort78 HogWildStuff 2008


grenlandsmafiaen, organization, Norway, Telemark


Satin Gold front
Satin Gold back
Black Nickel front
Black Nickel back
Copper front
Copper back
Nickel front
Nickel back
Copper Glitter front
Copper Glitter back