It's a Good Life

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Beschreibung/About the coin

Even When Hope Is Forsaken Never Forget "It's A Good Life"...

A Good Life Is When You Smile Often, Dream Big, Laugh A Lot, And Realize How Blessed You Are For What You Have.

Deutsch 3329.gif


English 3332.gif

The Face side shows a person in despair in the center surrounded by troubles of heartbreak, medical emergency, employment, social anxiety and the black cloud of depression with the words "Even when hope is forsaken, never forget..." The entire side is in a monochromatic black, white, grey to reflect the mood of the feeling of bleakness and despair.

The Reverse side shows the rest of the words "It's a Good Life!" in custom calligraphy and the eyes of the woman in the song waking up and facing the world. The heartbreak that seemed so terrible turned out to be necessary for true love to be found. The medical emergency provided the wakeup call that leads to a long healthy life. The drown trodden employee realizes that they have a really great reason for facing work everyday when they come home to their loving children. The person suffering from social anxiety realizes the incredible value of true friendship in the few (or one) that truly matter. That black cloud of depression moves on and becomes the rain that fosters growth. Surrounding the outside border, directly from the song lyrics are the sun rising over the tree line, the clouds breaking, the holding of hands, the breeze on a warm night and my favorite line from the song... "I'll just sit here till you're strong enough to talk" a couple sitting patiently.


  • Größe/Size: Ø 62 mm
  • Dicke/Thickness: 5 mm
  • Gewicht/Weight: 110 g
  • Präfix/Prefix: GL
  • Form/Shape: rund / round
  • Farbe/Filling:
  • Vorderseite/Front:
  • Rückseite/Back:
  • Besonderheit/Special feature:
  • Information/Info:
  • Registrierte Trackingcodes/Total trackingcodes record: 200
  • Groundspeak Icon-Nummer/Icon number: 10110
  • Trackbar/Trackable auf mit eigenem Icon/own unique icon 10110.gif und Mini-Icon/micro icon 10110k.gif


Icon Minting Metal Color Edition Name Designer Shop Published
10110.gif 50 Blue Heaven LE 50 Chris Mackey geo4907 Dec 2017
10110.gif 50 Red Lipstick LE 50 Chris Mackey geo4907 Dec 2017
10110.gif 50 Pink Lyrics LE 50 Chris Mackey geo4907 Dec 2017
10110.gif 50 Green Day LE 50 Chris Mackey geo4907 Dec 2017


Good Life, Think positiv


It' A Good Live Geocoin