Tranquility Geocoin
Beschreibung/About the coin
Kommentar von Castle Man (frei übersetzt!) (Sept. 7, 2007 in
"Nun Bestellbar: Tranquility GEOCOINS
Nach einem Monat Pause, präsentieren wir nun stolz unsere neuste Coin! Wir sind sicher, dass sich die lange Wartezeit gelohnt hat. Was als einfache 1,5 Zoll Geocoin anfing, entwickelte sich zu einer unglaublichen detailreichen 2 Zoll 'Tranquility Geocoin'. Erdacht durch Paula (CinemaBoxers), entwickelte sich die Coin von einem einfachen Konzept zu dem was wir euch heute vorstellen.
Ein großes Kunstwerk!
Zusammen mit den Details, die sofort erkennbar sind, gibt es eine Vielzahl an weiteren Details, welche nur sichtbar sind, wenn man die Geocoin in Händen hält. Diese Coin visualisiert unseren Spaß am Geocachen und zeigt Sachen, die wir an der frischen Luft erleben während wir draussen sind. Zuerst war der Spitzname für diese Coin "Earth-Geocoin", jedoch passte der Name nicht, um den ganzen Details und versteckten Elementen gerecht zu werden.
Castle Man said (Sept. 7, 2007 in
"Available here: Tranquility GEOCOINS
We are proud to present our newest Geocoin offering after a month long 'hiatus'! We believe this coin was well worth the wait. What started out as a concept for a 'simple' 1.5" coin, evolved into the 2" incredibly detailed 'Tranquility Geocoin' Designed by Paula (CinemaBoxers) the coin developed from a simple concept into what we present to you today!
Along with the elements that are easily visible in the photos is a multitude of details that can only be seen with the coin in-hand. The coin celebrates why we all enjoy caching and features some of the things we encounter when spending time in the great outdoors. We had nicknamed this coin the 'Earth' coin, but it just was not a fitting name for all of the included details, and 'hidden' elements.
The coin measures 2 inches x 3.5mm thick, and has incredible details and textures - too many to list, but so many to discover."
Ohne Gewähr/no responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information!!
List by matlock75 edit by Whitby and -flying-dutchman-
ORIGINAL MINTING (6 versions) (Sept 7 2007):
- Tranquility Geocoin "Light Gold" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Light Rhodium" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Dark Gold" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Dark Rhodium" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Two Tone (Shiny Nickel & Gold)" (LE) Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Antique Copper Artist Edition" Edition: - (30 + 25 minted)
FIRST REMINT (Oct 1 2007):
- Tranquility Geocoin "Antique Gold" Edition - (75 total)
- Tranquility Geocoin "Dark Gold" Edition - assume remint of original "Dark Gold: Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Two Toned Nickel" - need more details on this one
- Tranquility Geocoin "Gold" Edition - not sure if this is just a double up of the "Antique Gold"
SECOND REMINT (Oct 23 2007):6 New Limited Editions
- Tranquility Geocoin "Antique Nickel LE" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Blue Is My World (Nickel)" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "2-Tone Copper on Nickel" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "2-Tone Nickel on Copper" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Red Passion" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "2-Tone Gold on Black Nickel Luxury Edition" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Antique Bronze" Edition - Details unknown (Mint Error, 25 total)
- Tranquility Geocoin "Black Widow Nickel" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Black Widow Gold" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Blood In The Ocean" Edition - USA Gold Edition - mint error
- Tranquility Geocoin "Blue Is My World (Gold)" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Finale" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "German Nickel" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "German Gold" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "German Black Forest" Edition - (Mint Error, 25 total)
- Tranquility Geocoin "Glow In The Dark (Blue)" aka Glowing Blue Heaven Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Glow In The Dark (Green)" aka Glowing Green Monster Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Glow In The Dark (Pink)" aka Glowing Rose Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Glow In The Dark (Yellow)" aka Glowing Golden Globe (yellow) Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Green Giant Gold" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Green Giant Nickel" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Purple Haze (Gold)" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Purple Haze (Nickel)" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Mardi Gras" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Portugal Gold" Edition - (25 total)
- Tranquility Geocoin "Portugal Black Nickel" Edition - (75 total)
- Tranquility Geocoin "Purple Haze" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "Sepp and Berta" aka "PINK" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "The Trickster" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "USA Nickel" Edition
- Tranquility Geocoin "USA Gold" Edition
Notes on "Spook" Editions:
- "Emerald" Edition -> "Green Giant"(Nickel) Edition
- "Black Onyx" Edition -> "Luxury" edition
- "Light" Two Tone Edition -> "Two Tone (Shiny Nickel & Gold)" Edition
- Größe: Ø 51 mm (2")
- Dicke: 3,5 mm
- Gewicht: g
- Präfix: CM
- Form:
- Vorderseite:
- Rückseite:
- Besonderheit: Enamel Versions - Translucent Imitation Hard Enamel
- Designer: Paula (CinemaBoxers)
- Shop: Castle Man (
- Registrierte Trackingcodes: 2785
- Groundspeak Icon-Nummer: 1484
- Trackbar auf mit eigenem Icon
und Mini-Icon
Icon | Number | Edition Name | Picture | Minting [1] | Metal | Colors (t=translucent) | Published | Remarks |
1 | Light Rhodium | 100 | Rhodium | pink(t) / light green(t) / peach (orange) (t) / light blue(t) | Sept. 2007 | ||
2 | Light Gold | 100 | Gold | pink(t) / light green(t) / peach (orange) (t) / light blue(t) | Sept. 2007 | ||
3 | Dark Rhodium | 100 | Rhodium | purple(t) / red(t) / peach (orange) (t) / blue(t) | Sept. 2007 | ||
4 | Dark Gold | 260 | Gold | purple(t) / red(t) / peach (orange) (t) / blue(t) | Sept. 2007 | ||
5 | Two Tone (Antique Nickel & Gold) | 100 | Gold (raised) on Nickel | no | Sept. 2007 | This is probably NOT antique nickel but shiny nickel, usually referred to as Light two-toned | |
6 | Antique Copper (Artist Edition) | 55 (30) [2] | Antique Copper | no | Sept. 2007 | ||
7 | Antique Gold | 75 | Antique Gold | 75 | Sept. 2007 | ||
8 | Red Passion | 155 | Gold | red(t) / purple(t) / red(t) / red(t) | Oct. 2007 | ||
9 | Blue Is My World (Nickel) | 105 | Nickel (looks like Rhodium) | light blue(t) / dark blue / deep blue (t) / deep blue (t) | Oct. 2007 | ||
10 | Two Tone (Nickel under Copper) | 50 | Nickel (raised) on Copper | no | Oct. 2007 | ||
11 | Two Tone (Copper under Nickel) | 50 (25) [3] | Copper (raised) on Nickel | no | Oct. 2007 | ||
12 | Antique Nickel | 75 | Antique Nickel | no | Oct. 2007 | ||
13 | Luxury | 150 (50) [4] | Gold (raised) on Black Nickel | no | Oct. 2007 ? | ||
14 | Purple Haze (Gold) | 120 | Gold | deep purple(t) / light purple(t) / deep purple(t) / light purple(t) | ? | ||
15 | Green Giant (Gold) | 70 | Gold | bright green(t) / light green(t) / dark green(t) / bright green(t) | ? | ||
16 | Two Tone - Black Nickel and Copper with Epoxy | 25 | Copper with Black Nickel with Epoxy | ? | ? | Trade Only | |
17 | Black Widow (Nickel) | 115 (25) [5] | Nickel | red(t) / black / red(t) / black | ? | ||
18 | Mardi Gras | 50 | Gold | purple(t) / green(t) / orange(t) / purple(t) | ? | ||
19 | Germany (Gold) | 105 | Gold | black / red(t) / yellow(t) / black | ? | ||
20 | Germany (Nickel) | 75 | Nickel | black / red(t) / yellow(t) / black | ? | ||
21 | Portugal (Black Nickel) | 75 | Black Nickel | red(t) / green(t) / red(t) / green(t) | ? | ||
22 | Portugal (Gold) | 25 | Gold | red(t) / green(t) / red(t) / green(t) | ? | ||
23 | Germany (Black Forest) | 25 | Black Nickel | black / red(t) / yellow(t) / black | ? | this is a mint error | |
24 | USA (Gold) | 100 | Gold | red(t) / white / deep blue / none | ? | ||
25 | USA (Nickel) | 50 | Nickel | red(t) / white / deep blue / none | ? | ||
26 | Sepp & Berta | 100 | Nickel | cardinal / pink(t) / pink(t) / cardinal | ? | aka "PINK" Edition | |
27 | Purple Haze (Nickel) | 90 | Nickel | deep purple(t) / medium purple(t) / deep purple(t) / medium purple(t) | ? | ||
28 | Glow In The Dark (Blue) | 50 | Gold | ? | ? | Glowing Blue Heaven | |
29 | Glow In The Dark (Yellow) | 50 | Black Nickel | ? | ? | Glowing Golden Globe (yellow) | |
30 | Glow In The Dark (Pink) | 50 | Black Nickel | ? | ? | Glowing Rose | |
31 | Glow In The Dark (Green) | 50 | Gold | ? | ? | Glowing Green Monster | |
32 | Green Giant (Nickel) | 40 | Nickel | bright green(t) / light green(t) / dark green(t) / bright green(t) | ? | "Emerald" Edition on some geocoin sites | |
33 | The Trickster | 42 (35) | Shiny Copper | peach/orange (t) / brown (t) / blue (t) / bright orange (t) / turquoise (t) | Sept/Oct 2008 | ||
34 | Finale | 13 | Black Nickel / Polished Gold | yellow (t) / green (t) / green(t) / orange (t) / turquoise (t) | Sept/Oct 2008 | Paula’s “un-named” edition | |
35 | Blood In The Ocean | 25 (15) [6] | Gold | red(t) / white / deep blue / red | Sept/Oct 2008 | USA Gold Edition - mint error | |
36 | Black Widow (Gold) | 47 | Gold | red(t) / black / red(t) / black | ? | ||
37 | Antique Bronze | 3 (25) | Bronze | no | Oct 2007 | Bronze mint error | |
38 | Blue Is My World (Gold) | 15 | Gold | light blue(t) / dark blue / deep blue (t) / deep blue (t) | Sept/Oct 2008 |
- ↑ Minting numbers are from, numbers in brackets (xx) are from other sources - two numbers only if they are differing
- ↑ listed 2 mints: 30 + 25
- ↑ listed 1 mint: 50
- ↑ listed 2 mints: 50 + 100
- ↑ listed 4 mints: 25 + 50 + 20 + 20
- ↑ listed 2 mints: 15 + 10
Castle Man, Geocoin Art
will follow
All information is collected from
- (doesn't exist any more)
- (doesn't exist any more),