Greek Gods Geocoin - Poseidon
Dies ist der 11. Teil der 12-teiligen Serie rund um die Griechische Mythologie und griechische Gottheiten. Designed wurde die Serie vom bekannten Geocoin Designer Chris Mackey.
Teil 11: Poseidon
Notizen des Designer, Chris Mackey:
Knowing that we wanted this series of geocoins to be a special part of any collection, we reached out to celebrated designer Christian Mackey to create these exclusive designs. We are proud to present this collection of amazingly detailed coins of interest and beauty. They truly need to be seen to be appreciated.
Part 11: Poseidon
Notes from the designer, Chris Mackey:
On the face is Poseidon, the king of oceans and waters with his trident in hand. He's sporting armor of scallops and chiton shells with a sea star crown on his brow over the classic wave pattern of the Grecians.
On the reverse, similar to the other gods and goddess, we explore a bit more into his powers. Foremost among his attributes, he was known as the "Tamer of Horses" and credited with the creation of the hypocampus or waterhorses which pulled his chariot into battle. He was also credited with creating springs of water by striking the ground with the butt of his triton. He was prayed to for protection at sea to avoid shipwrecks and drownings. He was the god of dolphins and whales that breathed air, but lived in water (a duality of a god). He was also called the "Earth-Shaker" and credited with earthquakes, volcano eruptions and tsunami. Lastly, he is attributed with the domain of coral. Coral reefs being the harbor of sea life, the breaker of waves and the giver of one of the most prominent materials in making jewelry.
- bisherige Editionen/editions so far:
10/2015 - Icon:8154 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Tyche | 02/2016 - Icon:8568 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Athena |
10/2015 - Icon:8214 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Rhea | 02/2016 - Icon:8607 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Heracles |
10/2015 - Icon:8366 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Nike | 03/2016 - Icon:8664 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Aphrodite |
11/2015 - Icon:8432 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Gaia | 04/2016 - Icon:8780 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Hades |
12/2015 - Icon:8446 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Cybele | 04/2016 - Icon:8765 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Poseidon |
01/2016 - Icon:8502 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Caerus | 05/2016 - Icon:8800 - Greek Gods Geocoin - Zeus |
- Größe/Size: Ø 44,45 mm (1 3/4 inches)
- Dicke/Thickness: 3 mm
- Gewicht/Weight: 42 g
- Präfix/Prefix: GG
- Form/Shape: rund/round
- Prägung/Minting: 3D
- Vorderseite/Front: Der Gott Poseidon/Greek God Poseidon
- Rückseite/Back: Seepferd im Ocean und die primären Attribute von Poseidon/sea horse in the ocean and the prime attribute of Poseidon
- Information/Info: gehört zu einer griechischer Götter Coin-Serie/part of a greek god coin series
- Registrierte Trackingcodes/Total trackingcodes record: 500
- Groundspeak Icon-Nummer/Icon number: 8765
- Trackbar/Trackable auf mit eigenem Icon/own unique icon und Mini-Icon/micro icon
Icon | Auflage | Bild | Metallfarbe | Farbe | Edition | Designer | Shop | Veröffentlicht |
-- | antik Bronze | Poseidon | Chris Mackey | diverse Shops weltweit | 04/2016 |
Geocoin, griechische Gottheiten